Monday, September 7, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire Review

I wrote this essay for class in 08' when the movie was only available in art house theaters around boston.....please tell me what you think and give me some pointers on how to improve my writting.


Critically Acclaimed

Its is not wrong for a critic to always changes his views on movies when watched under certain circumstances. When a critic free watches a movie, all of the little details are completely flown over, but when information is supplemented before hand, all of the details shine and are evident very clearly throughout the movie. Danny Boyle again brings his talent to the screens, creating movies that affect anyone that see it.

Slumdog Millionaire is the name this time; the movie is about brothers (Jamal and Salim) that at a young age become street beggars and go through life with an amazing adventure. Throughout their adventure they encounter horrible things such as children being blinded for the purpose of receiving more money when the begged. As well in their adventure Jamal at young age bring in this little girl that they found on the streets. After a horrible encounters with a man that blinded children the three flee.

As the they are running from this man the little girls stays behind only to be used as a prostitute for the purpose of money. Throughout the years Jamal keeps looking for his lost love (Latika) only to find out that she is a sex slave for a top villain that controls Mumbai. Jamal goes on the Hindi version of who want to be a millionaire only to hope that Latika will see him and join him for their life together. This movie is truly the best movies I have scene, there is nothing wrong to say about it. Danny Boyle set the standard for aspiring moviemakers; Slumdog Millionaire is the best film of this year.

Truly an amazing movie by Danny Boyle, Boyle captivates the audience with sound, quick scenes, drama, actions, comedy, and love. Taken place in India, Boyle utilized lots of the landscape shots, and lots of the little details that make India India. With true cinematography Boyles, uses quick camera movements to give the audience the impact that they are actually running with the characters in the movie. The close up shots seem so unreal as if someone was running after you as well. Boyle does an amazing job with establishing shots; he uses a lot of the natural light to really captivate the essence of India. Because it is really hard to film in the slums, Boyle had to utilize all of the light that was possible, and to use more of the day as possible for the fact that light was limited.

All of this is very evident in the movie, and Boyle did a great job of transposing it to the audience. The establishing shots were truly amazing. Instead of focusing the camera outside of the location, Boyle makes the audience think about where the shot is taking place. This cause the whole crowd to keep constant attention to the movie and the level of focus and all time high.

The Editing was very simple, yet it was quick. Quick cuts and fades are only what were needed to captivate the audience’s attention. With the cuts and fade there was many dramatic sound and effects. The high exposure of light is some what confusing, but it contributes to the intensity of the scenes in the movie. The crisp clarity of the sound captivated the audience and me and actually made me fall back once. Boyle and his crew did and excellent job with sound, one because in and action drama/ love story sound is keen to keep the audience alive, and Boyle managed to complete that with no mistakes.

Although the mechanics of the movies was excellent, the content speaks for its self. Watching the movie not knowing a lot about India actually contributed to how much I liked the movie. I came in not knowing what to expect, ad left astonished. The graphic images and occurrences keeps the audience on their toes, the reactions of the slaughtering, the comedy scenes, to generally the content of the movie is all the same; Everyone is amazed about it. Something about a boy that does everything to find his one true love amazes everyone in the same way. His compassion and will of heart is something unreal. All in all the movie is nothing less that amazing.

As I was sitting in the theater, I told my self that I was going to be very open minded about the film, meaning I wouldn’t judge the movie before I saw it. Making that decision was the best option for me, I usually don’t watch movies that are not in a feature movie theater, but by watching Slumdog Millionaire I am much open minded by all movies.

Movies are all the same, meaning they all have the same purpose. They all want to convey a message and to entertain the audience. Slumdog Millionaire informed me about another country, it taught me about ones culture, and It opened my eyes in terms to value the life that we have here in the U.S. Slumdog Millionaire is the best on of this year, It will take a lot for one movie to overcome the clarity and the bliss that Slumdog Millionaire conveys.

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